Budget control / by The Drawing Room

We’ve heard a lot of nightmare stories of out-of-control construction budgets. For this reason, 'what is your budget' is one of the first questions we ask prospective clients.

Some clients don’t like to tell us, which is fine but most have a budget that represents their savings, the maximum mortgage they can obtain, no more than what the property value is, or all of these.

We start with a budget and then design, not the other way around. The design always evolves and changes as time goes by. That’s why we check in on the budget at certain key design stages before we start talking to builders.

We can then work on ways to reduce costs or phase the project in a way to get you what you want.

We would like the construction cost that the builder provides you to be as predictable as possible. We don't like surprises either!

If you want to find out more about how we keep control of your construction budget then please get in touch with Tom or Rachel:
studio@thedrawingroom.gg | 01481 756173