Planning Approvals / by The Drawing Room

In the last year, we have made 110 planning applications of which 109 have been approved, and just 1 rejected. Giving us a 99.1% success rate of which we are very proud!

We see a lot of nervousness with our clients being concerned about getting planning approval but as the numbers show, we have an excellent record for planning success and will always advise our clients if we think a planning application is contentious or unlikely to gain permission.

We will often advise clients to apply for planning permission even if we consider an application may not be granted. This is the case for our 1 refusal. With any refusal, the applicant is given the opportunity to amend the proposals, address the reasons for refusal, or appeal the refusal.

If you would like any further advice on getting planning permission for your project, please get in touch with Tom or Rachel: | 01481 756173